February this year is an Artist in Residence month for me. The last time I did this was May 2013 – you can read about my adventures from that year here. I felt it was time to do it again. For those that didn’t read my blog then, it was a time for me to focus on my weaving as an Artist in Residence – in my own residence and studio.
So this year’s residence started with a SAORI Kai over in Victoria at Knotty by Nature. What a great way to start out – sharing our SAORI stories and inspiration. Some new and visiting people were there which added to the Kai. Thanks to all who came!!

Lynn showing the back of her vest and it’s construction
As I start on this next Artist in Residence (AiR), I’ve been wondering what my focus will be.
The first day at home, I was unloading my van and organizing the studio after taking 6 looms and material, etc. over to Victoria. As I was doing that I was thinking about my AiR and also thinking back to Loomsday and what warps were still on my looms. One was my ‘Christmas warp’…

This was a warp I put on before Christmas thinking that someone might like to weave something in Christmas colours – or that I might. One person did a weaving, but then there was still lots of warp left. I wondered – how can I weave this so that it doesn’t look like ‘Christmas’?
I looked at my bobbin tray – full of partial bobbins from my recent workshops…

…and wondered what colours & textures would change the look of the warp? And so I started to weave…

We’ll see where this goes.
It’s interesting that I have this feeling as I start out that I have to clear all my previous warps before I start on some new things. Making space perhaps for new ideas. I also wound some new warps yesterday – so I’ll just let this process unfold and see if it becomes clear.
During this month I have a workshop in White Rock and another in Victoria at Pacifica Paddle in Brentwood Bay – great chances to share SAORI weaving. I also have people coming to the studio to learn, to share. This is what I love – sharing SAORI!
Other thoughts for the month are to try some new fibres in the studio:
Some great recycled linens from Give a Darn Yarn that arrived last week…

Some beautiful rovings from Ashford and of course some of the SAORI Yarn Sets that came just before Christmas.
And some new yarns that I’m hoping arrive soon from New Zealand from Black Hills Yarn which I will be carrying in my shop!
I’ll keep posting my explorations….
Happy Weaving,
My website: www.saorisaltspring.com