The Salt Spring Fibre Festival has a Postcard Challenge
“This year the Festival is planning a display of post-card-size ‘samplers’ – created in any natural fibre, using any technique (woven, knit, crocheted, felted, quilted…), in any style, and illustrating any story a creative fibre worker could want to tell. This is a great opportunity to experiment on a small scale!”
So, I decided to create Postcards for it. I wanted to take the “Postcard” part literally, though that was not a requirement, and wondered how to do the finishing. After trying a number of methods, I used iron on woven interfacing that I could write on for the backing.

Lake Louise Poppies – the edge of Lake Louise has a beautiful array of poppies that I have used as inspiration. The green stems are done in a clasped weft technique with bits & pieces laid in for the flowers.
The Postcards From the Edge theme came about when I started using the clasped weft coming in from the edge of the postcard. In creating the backing, I have left that selvage edge as woven to give the edge a more natural look.
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