As some of you know I have been dealing with Lyme Disease for the past 6 years. My husband, Alan, is working on a documentary film about it (watch for more information and an Indiegogo campaign later this spring to help finish the film). Recently, we were asked to participate in a Lyme Awareness event through the Victoria Support Group. So, I decided it was time to weave a Lime / Lyme Scarf to wear to the event!
I gathered up all my Lime Green (and related) colours into a basket…
Warped my new little Piccolo loom…and started weaving…
I have one scarf done and still have enough on the loom to weave another…
Now I’m thinking I may do a lot of Lime / Lyme weaving and get it out of my system. Weave my way to health! This was a great excuse reason to buy some more lime green yarn! Bamboo and silk and a bit of roving 🙂
Happy Weaving,
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