SAORI Christmas Stocking

A local store has challenged Salt Spring Artists to create ‘Green’ Christmas stockings to be auctioned off to support the Salt Spring Conservancy.

So, I took some denim jeans (that were no longer suitable for wearing – not even for the thrift store) and cut them into strips to weave with. I also put in some bits and pieces from my treasure baskets (aka weaving thrums – leftovers that would often get thrown away) to add some colour and texture.

Here is the weaving as it was progressing…

Recycled denim

I have also saved the pockets to attach them to the stocking…

Recycled denim

So, I had the (very heavy) pieces of cloth for the leg of the stocking, but what to do about the toe?

One day I was at the local thrift store with my cousin and she found a red hat with tassels – perfect size and great colour for the toe…


I added a crocheted red heel to match, removed the tassels from the hat to use as a stocking hanger at the top, added some bells from old Christmas gifts and decorations that I had saved and here it is completed…

SAORI Christmas Stocking

Happy Weaving,


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Stay at Honeysuckle Cottage during your retreat at the Salt Spring Studio.

‘Hello world!’ And welcome to my blog!

…on weaving, peace, sustainability and life and whatever else happens to be on my mind or of interest (I hope) to some.

The weaving – that’s SAORI weaving. Weaving without boundaries.

Peace – peace within and world peace

Sustainability – all kinds of things about the environment, climate change, energy saving, green practices, green accommodations (we have a B&B), etc.

Life – day-to-day, moment-to-moment stuff

and everything else