Stay at Honeysuckle Cottage during your retreat at the Salt Spring Studio.


‘Hello world!’ And welcome to my blog!

…on weaving, peace, sustainability and life and whatever else happens to be on my mind or of interest (I hope) to some.

The weaving – that’s SAORI weaving. Weaving without boundaries.

Peace – peace within and world peace

Sustainability – all kinds of things about the environment, climate change, energy saving, green practices, green accommodations (we have a B&B), etc.

Life – day-to-day, moment-to-moment stuff

and everything else

2 replies
  1. terri
    terri says:

    Thanks Noreen! This will be a new adventure for me…..I always enjoy reading your blogs.

    I am loving being able to share my joy of SAORI weaving with others through the retreats and hope that this blog will be able to bring in many other ideas that have come my way!

    Peace, love & light,

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